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Apples Don't Fall Far From the Tree...


The apple doesn't fall far from the tree; one of the many idioms in the English language that suggests that kids are like their parents.

In the below picture, Jason and Sue find their kids to be pretty funny.


And, I would have to agree; the Clyne kids are hilarious. Never before have I had kids ask their parents to "belly bump" in a photo shoot. Who can Sue & Jason thank for this awesome sense of humor? Themselves, of course. Clearly, the Clyne kids also find their parents to be hilarious. A sense of humor that runs in the family...apples that don't fall too far from the funny tree.


Let's meet these clowns, oldest to youngest...


And, let's take a peek at some of the interactions that make this family who they are...

A moment between mom and Drew...


Secrets between brothers...


Mom and Colin...


Drew finding Raegan's baby on the trail...


Laughing at her big brother's antics...


Interactions like those above help tell a family's story. My emphasis is not on posed and perfect, but rather on the expressions, the emotions and the relationships that make up our lives. When I am behind the lens, my focus is always on the interactions. Always. Sure there are a million things going on in my head (lighting, camera settings, composition, more coffee...) but my main focus is to capture those little micro expressions that make us who we are.

Because of these two....


This exists...


You have some good apples, Sue & Jason! Thanks for a fun evening.


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