Moving isn’t easy. Especially when you are moving out of state. When you are six (almost seven) year old twin boys, there are a few things you need to do to get ready for your big move to North Carolina.
First things first... 1) Have a family photo shoot at your home (because your mom said so) and because you want to remember your childhood home in Michigan. A lifestyle family photo shoot when you get to play with your toys and be boys? Even better!
2) Explore your transportation options. Make sure to get a few bids from different moving companies. Not sure lego is in the moving business just yet but maybe the Jeeps would work (to the end of your driveway).

3) Pack up all your awesome awards in your bed stand drawer for Show + Tell in North Carolina.

4) Take a few more pictures for mom and dad because you are almost seven (and because this time the photographer said so)

5) Play on your swing set a few more times. Request a few underdogs from dad. Repeat.

6) Practice batting those long lashes for your new teachers – they are sure to mesmerize.

7). Make sure to get a family picture in both your front and back yard for good measure.

7) Charge up the light sabers and make sure to pack them. You have many awesome adventures ahead of you. Good luck, Rubens family! – We will miss you. Come back + visit us in the mitten state!

Safe travels!