When I walked up to my client's home and saw two beaming happy faces looking out the window at me, I knew it was going to be a good session!

When I was taking pictures of the boys washing their hands, and one exclaimed, "This is the BEST DAY of my life." I laughed and understood the deeper meaning behind his statement. Surely washing his hands wasn't the best day of his life but the ability to play and be himself (the essence of lifestyle photography) while I watched and documented his actions without forcing him into some awkward pose was freeing and fun (for both of us).

Then... there was the light that was streaming in the master bedroom window at the perfect time and the perfect angle...the light and shadows worked together to take an everyday moment and make it stand out.

Keep scrolling for more from this fun lifestyle session in East Grand Rapids and to see a flashback from this family's lifestyle session one year ago, go here: