I have been photographing these gorgeous baby blues below for the last four years - ever since her newborn session.

And, no...she isn't Erma.

This is Erma.
Four years is a long time to photograph a family - I have been fortunate to develop a wonderful relationship of trust with them over the years. I can remember the first family questionnaire they ever filled out. I studied it before going to meet them for the first time for V's newborn session. After photographing a family for so long, you get to know things about them and their is a comfort level that is reached. I know that the girls loved wooly caterpillars and Curious George. I know their real smiles from their fake smiles. I have seen them go through many changes from adding family members, to moving homes to losing their beloved family pet, Gus last spring. I shared their pain when they lost Gus, as I lost my own dog the same year. So, I also shared in their joy when they adopted Erma this year and brought her into their amazing family. Erma was in pilot school but it wasn't her thing. And, that's okay because instead of pilot school she won the lottery and found one of the best families in the world who will love her unconditionally.
Welcome, Erma. We are so glad you are here.