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Rooted in Community: Ryan Street Community Garden in Michigan's Upper Peninsula


Community gardens in Michigan are thriving hubs of collaboration and growth, where neighbors come together to cultivate their own plots and share in the bounty of the harvest. As part of my ongoing photography project for the Michigan Department of Education, I visited The Ryan Street Community Garden in Hancock, Michigan's Upper Peninsula.

Mailbox at Ryan Street Community Garden in the Upper Peninsula

At Ryan Street Community Garden, community members sign up for individual plots to manage and grow their own food throughout the season, fostering a sense of unity and shared purpose.

A young boy winding up a garden hose while smiling at the camera
Two young boys watering their plot at Ryan Street Community Garden in Hancock Michigan in the Upper Peninsula

During my photo session, I captured two young boys and their mom tending to their garden. This family, like many others in the community, is dedicated to nurturing their plants and reaping the rewards of their labor.

Overhead view of a young boy watering his garden
Closeup of a young boy watering his garden with a garden hose

Together, they water their crops...

A young child picking a pea pod in a vegetable garden
Overhead view of fresh dill growing in a garden
A young child with freshly harvested carrots on his lap next to his garden
squash blossoms growing in a garden
A child's hand reaching for a ripe raspberry ready to be picked
a young boy with freshly picked raspberries in his hand

Harvest their fruits and vegetables...

A young boy smiling at the camera next to his garden
Mother hugging her two young boys in a community garden

and cultivate bonds that grow as strong as the plants they tend.

The Ryan Street Community Garden is more than just a place to grow food; it’s a place where families bond, friendships blossom, and the community thrives.

Want to see more of Michigan's farm-to-school journey? Follow along as I document the 10 Cents a Meal program across the state. And if you're looking to bring your own commercial photography project to life, let's chat!


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