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Kalamazoo Family Lifestyle Photographer | Point of View


Ready to see this lifestyle family photography session in Kalamazoo, Michigan? I can't wait to do a picture reveal...

Ready or I come!...

Before we pull back the curtain on this session, let's talk about storytelling for a minute.

Lifestyle photography sessions are all about telling the story through imagery. As you may recall from your middle school days, every story is told through a point of view.

As a teacher, I work on POV with my middle school students frequently. First person, second person, third person, third person's all on the test. Thankfully, this isn't a test and you aren't in middle school.

What is most important to know is that every point of view tells a different story and the number of possible stories in this world are endless. I think that is what is so interesting about the photograph. A photograph with multiple people contains multiple points of views and thus multiple stories.

Everybody in the above photo is looking at something different and has a different perspective. The story could be retold six different ways (if you include me as the observer). Seven different ways, if you count Emmy, the family dog...

Who gave her bed to the boy with the vacuum yet again...

Because the boy just loves to vacuum and he gets exhausted from all his hard work...

So, he takes vacuuming breaks in Emmy's bed...

but he pays her back with treats, so it seems like a fair trade.

But, this isn't a story told from the dog's perspective (although that would make a great children's book). This is a story about a baby boy who is celebrating his first trip around the sun! The subject for this session is this one year old birthday boy!

To tell baby boy's story, I asked myself what does the world look like at one year old? What types of activities does he like? Who does he love? What are his interests? behaviors? mannerisms? routines? milestones? What artifacts in his home are significant to this time in his life?

So, let's shift things to baby's point of view and get down on his level.

If we start to see the world through his eyes, the story starts to take shape. ..the shape of monsters who might be waiting to gobble him up...

Or, maybe it's just his siblings playing a game

waiting for a big hug

because hugs are never in short supply.

If he can just get a hold of that pen then maybe...

he can create art like the big kids

And if he can just shimmy himself up on that bed...

Then maybe he can jump like the big kids

But if not, then exploring big sister's room alone is a good alternative...

As I shot this session, I had to extend my thinking beyond identifying the point of view of the story. I had to also ask myself what points of view or perspective would be most interesting in my photography. Creative choices including lens choice, camera angles and image composition greatly influence how a story is told and remembered.

A birds-eye view shows the details of the celebration with the blue balloon in the foreground

A close up shot reveals beautiful eyelashes and cake crumbs on baby's lips

A sweet moment is captured in a mirror reflection

baby's crossed legs and an eager dog waiting for scraps are captured from a low angle view.

While point of view and camera perspectives are important, perhaps it's the people that are the most important part of the story...

Reading books together...

love from big sister...

mom's help choosing clothes...

and zipping up...

brother's help finishing the cake...

and dad's help standing on slippery ice.

No matter how you look at it, life is imperfect and messy. It's unscripted and it's real. It's beautiful and most importantly, it's yours.

Ready to tell your story? Let's chat!

Happy Birthday, E! xo

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