As a Michigan-based documentary photographer, specializing in Documentary Photography in Michigan, my recent work with the Michigan Department of Education and the 10 Cents a Meal for Farms and Kids Program led me to the heartwarming preschool community garden at the YWCA in Kalamazoo. I spent a delightful morning with the amazing staff and students at the center, capturing their gardening efforts and the delicious food they prepare using locally sourced Michigan ingredients (stay tuned for a dedicated blog post later this summer!)

As I watched these young children plant green pepper seedlings, I couldn't help but reflect on how planting a garden is so much more than the physical act of placing a plant in the ground. It's a process that cultivates agency – a powerful antidote to the pervasive sense of helplessness we often feel in the face of overwhelming news headlines and global challenges.

Planting a garden requires strategic thinking and planning. We must consider what to plant and where, taking into account factors such as sunlight, soil conditions, and the specific needs of each plant variety. This process engages our problem-solving skills and fosters a sense of agency as we make informed decisions that will shape the garden's future.

Gardening teaches us to trust in the natural cycles of growth and renewal. We learn to have faith in the process, even when progress seems slow. As we water and tend to our plants, we develop a deep trust in their inherent ability to thrive, given the right conditions and care

Hard Work
The sight of dirty hands is a powerful reminder that achieving our desired results requires rolling up our sleeves and embracing the hard work and gritty effort involved. Gardening exemplifies this principle beautifully – the best results come from a willingness to immerse ourselves in the messy, hands-on labor.

Tending to a garden is often a collaborative effort, requiring teamwork and cooperation. By working together, we learn to share responsibilities, communicate effectively, and support one another's efforts. This sense of camaraderie and shared purpose strengthens our bonds - together we can achieve more.

Confidence + Joy
Perhaps most importantly, gardening gives us a sense of confidence that we can create something beautiful that also sustains us. The simple act of getting our hands dirty, nurturing life, and witnessing the beauty of nature unfold before our eyes is a profoundly uplifting experience that brings pure joy.

As we immerse ourselves in the tactile experience of nurturing life, getting our hands dirty, and reveling in the beauty that emerges from our labor of love, we are gently reminded of the profound impact even the simplest actions can have.
Join Me on My Michigan Documentary Photographer Journey
Follow along as I travel throughout Michigan, photographing the people, places and produce that make the state of Michigan an amazing place to live. I post new sessions and links on my business Facebook page. To stay up to date, follow me on Facebook.
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